How To Page
Kowhai Surgery – All the health care you need
Links to sites on how to …
Please note Portals will be changing to Manage My Health[MMH] on February 7th, 2023. Until then please continue to use ConnectMed. Those on Connectmed will receive an email to link to MMH easy change. Connectmed will no longer work for Kowhai Surgery after this date.
Help you to make apointments, check results, check when recalls due, immunisations, what medications you are on long term, arranging repeat prescriptions for these, and vaccinations you have had. Our terms and conditions still apply to these functions.
Manage my health Portal :
See FAQ below for more inforamtion and trouble shooting .
What do you need:
A personal email address, a password [you choose] and have the correct details at the surgery to match the details you put into the system.
If I dont have an email address?
Manage my health Portal setup
Set up – if you have a connectMed portal already you will receive an email to create an account with Manage my health on 7th /8th of Febuary 2023.
If you are over 18y and have a valid email address with the practice you will recieve an invite as well.
Or you can speak to reception face to face or via telephone 094257358 and a link and activation code will be sent out to you.
How To:
Paracetamol Dosage
Short videos of how to use your inhalers and Spacers.
Clexane [Enoxaprin]
What is it and video on how to administer.
Short videos of how to set up and administer insulin
Blood glucose levels
Short videos of how to use glucometer to tests blood glucose.
Contact Us
Find Us
Street Address
10 Percy Street,
Auckland 0910
Postal Address
PO Box 285,
Auckland 0941
Open Hours
Monday to Thursday
8am to 5.30pm
8am to 5pm
Bank Details
02 0480 0141717 00
After Hours
After Hours
Saturday Morning
8am to 12 noon Shared with Warkworth Medical Centre
After hours Phone Triage 24/7, call 09 425 7358