We offer
- Urgent same day/ next day care.
- Short waiting times for bookings.
- Low-cost appointments for Community Services Card holders.
- Continuity of care.
- Acute Accident Care.
- Travel consultations including Yellow Fever vaccines.
- Free Long-Acting Contraception insertion [conditions apply] enrolled and casual patients.
- Women’s health.
•GP Fees Important annoucement
- To our valued patients,
We regret to inform you we have had to increase our fees as of
September 2nd 2024. We have delayed this increase for as long as
possible as we know many households are struggling with the increased
cost of living.
Government funding for primary care has only risen by 4% while our
costs have risen by more than 9% in the past 12 months alone, leaving us
with no other choice.
Despite our repeated efforts to convey the need for increased funding,
our concerns haven’t resulted in sustainable funding. This has led us to
reluctantly pass these costs on to you.
Please understand this decision to increase our fees was made as a last
resort, and we acknowledge the impact it will have on our patients and
our community.
Your wellbeing remains our utmost priority, and we are dedicated to
providing you with the best care possible. - Please note that Community services card holders will remain at $19.50
- Please feel free to Lobby for better funding for Primary Care services via central government through your local MP.
- Ngā mihi nui,
- Kowhai Surgery team
Patient Portals Manage My Health
People over 16y and have a valid email address with the Surgery can join. Please request an invitation from reception. Check Spam/junk if does not seem to have appeared.
It will have the Kowhai Surgery details on it your name and a green create account button to use to make account. There is an Orange logo at bottom of email with manage my health written on it.
Have a password ready.
If you are concerned or have questions please contact the surgery or pop in and talk to reception.
You will be able to book appointments request repeat scripts check lab results see recalls and your immunisations on this portal. You may receive communications via the portal as well, this will be notified via an email. You then log into your account and look for tab associated with message received. eg New recall, Look in recall, New Lab result Look in lab Results, New Message Look in Messages.
You will also be able to pay for your repeat script/consult at the time of request via a secure payment method, visa and account 2 account. All our usual terms and conditions apply.
Appointments made via portal will receive an email reminder not a text reminder. Please ensure you have received a confirmation of appointment.
The clinic offers all funded vaccinations for New Zealand. And will arrange vaccinations that are not funded as required.
Vaccination in childhood Funded up to 18y of age Please note menningcoccal vaccine only funded for under 5 years of age.
Vaccination in pregnancy
Vaccination for the older adult [65y+]
Shingles funded in 65th year only.
Funded Booster for Diphtheria tetnus and whooping cough 45y and 65y
HPV: funded 12y – 26y male and female
MMR: funded for all ages
Travel Vaccines including Yellow fever.
Monthly FREE POP UP CLINIC : Wellsford immunisations Hearing checks dental checks and well child checks
FREE Walk-in clinics for tamariki
Get your child’s immunisations and health checks done in one visit—no appointment needed.
📅 1 March, 10 AM – 3 PM
📍 72 School Road, Wellsford
🎟 Go in the draw to win a kai voucher
Find out more at https://comprehensivecare.co.nz/news/free-tamariki-health-clinics-in-wellsford/
Free walk-in Health Clinics for tamariki – no bookings needed
Rodney whānau, make sure your tamariki are up to date with their immunisations and health checks at our free walk-in clinics.
These monthly clinics offer essential services, including immunisations, dental, vision, hearing, and Well Child checks for your child.
📅 1 March | 5 April | 3 May | 7 June | 5 July
⏰ 10 AM – 3 PM
📍 72 School Road, Wellsford
🚗 Free Parking Available
🎟 Monthly prize draws for kai vouchers
Protect your tamariki today—just walk in!
For more details, visit https://comprehensivecare.co.nz/news/free-tamariki-health-clinics-in-wellsford/


Contact Us
Find Us
Street Address
10 Percy Street,
Auckland 0910
Postal Address
PO Box 285,
Auckland 0941
Open Hours
Monday to Thursday
8am to 5.30pm
8am to 5pm
Bank Details
02 0480 0141717 00
After Hours
After Hours
Saturday Morning
8am to 12 noon Shared with Warkworth Medical Centre
After hours Phone Triage 24/7, call 09 425 7358